
Mister Green & 九號公路樂團

Mister Green & 九號公路樂團

Mister Green is the alter ego of Jason Grenier, a singer-songwriter hailing from Toronto, Canada. A well-known fixture on the Taiwan music scene and one-time front man of folk duo The Incriminators, Mister Green keeps rocking it out, both solo and with the rock and roll powerhouse that is Highway 9.

There are a lot of bands out there, and a lot of songwriters. What makes Mister Green and Highway 9 different?

The songs speak for themselves.

It's been said that Mister Green plays every song like he means it, because he does. These are songs written from the heart, covering subjects firmly rooted in the human condition and a life full of experiences. They are songs that people can relate to: songs of war and of peace; of pleasure and misery; of love lost and found; of strength and frailty; of leaving home and returning; of living and dying. The one constant thread running through all Mister Green's songs is hope for the future.

The songs are real. The musicians are real. There is no shtick. There are no gimmicks.

Building on the success of Mister Green's 2006 eponymous release, Highway 9 is currently in studio working on the new CD. Keep your eyes and ears open for the release of "A Few for the Road" in the coming months. In the meantime, come check out a Mister Green & Highway 9 show-you'll feel the grit in your teeth, guaranteed.


Mister Green (Jason)來自加拿大的天才創作型搖滾歌手,自學吉他無師自通,不懂樂理卻創作了近50多首歌。歌迷將他和民謠搖滾傳奇樂手Neil Young相比美。


2003年Mister Green與朋友成立"告密者(The Incriminators)"雙吉他雙重唱,短短的時間就廣為人知,曾被媒體譽為最佳合唱組合,成名曲 "Angels天使"更在MTV台和國家地理頻道播出。

2005年 Jason以Mister Green的名號,開始個人在各大音樂節和大學、Live House等地演出。此時詞曲的創作更加豐富,為紀念東南亞海嘯所寫的" Big Wave巨浪",每每聽了總會讓人不知不覺掉下眼淚。

2006年的" Farewell to the city 告別城市"歌曲中寫明了當時Mister Green 厭倦了大都市的心情,展現頹廢式新搖滾。

同年成立Highway 9九號公路樂團,目前為第二代成員,特別在樂團編制上加入口琴和小喇叭,為民謠搖滾帶來新感受。

近兩年Mister Green + Highway 9九號公路樂團,表演足跡遍及台灣各地,也時常有中外報章媒體及電台、電視台的專訪。

2008年6月推出新專輯" A Few For The Road",並安排在全球的表演行程,希望讓各地民眾現場聽到感受到Mister Green的音樂,"Mister Green式"的搖滾魅力。

Mister Green樂團網站 http://mymrgreen.spaces.live.com/

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